Dr. Anna Cantor is a graduate of Institute of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in Honolulu, Hawaii. She has a dual Degree- Master in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine and Doctor of Acupuncture with Chinese Herbal Medicine.
She is passionate about health as it relates to body and mind, and takes a particular interest in the fields of psychology, herbal medicine, yoga, and nutrition.
Anna has had the honor of working in Dr. Kepi during her externship from her acupuncture college and learning the Tan Balance method. She has also had the privilege of performing acupuncture for the Lahaina fire victims and volunteers.
Anna is also an experienced body worker and has practiced Massage therapy for over 20 years in Hawaii.
She has also worked in the Hawaiian public school system as a teacher of high school in the field of Health for 8 years.
Anna lives in Wailuku, and moved to Maui in 2001. She has 2 daughters, age 7 and age 16. She spend much of her time taking classes and studying; but in her spare time she enjoys art projects, surfing, hiking, swimming, or biking and playing with her 2 cats!
Dr. Anna Cantor is a graduate of Institute of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in Honolulu, Hawa...
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Dr. Kepi is a licensed acupuncturist in Hawaii and California, is a nationally certified (NCCAOM) Doctor of Oriental Medicine as well as a certified practitioner by Dr. Richard Tan in his Global Balance and Pain Management techniques. ---
She holds a Doctorate of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM) from Five Branches University in Santa Cruz, California as well as a 4-year Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine degree. Dr. Kepi's undergraduate degree is in Psychology from Cabrillo College in Aptos, California. ---
Dr. Kepi chose acupuncture as her second career after running a successful construction company with her husband Michael, and raising two great children, after acupuncture significantly helped her overcome the debilitating side effects of fibroid tumors. She, and Michael, have four grandchildren that they love madly. ---
Her passion for community acupuncture was born and nurtured through her numerous visits to China along the course of her studies, and her belief that acupuncture can change the world *if* it's accessible. ---
Dr. Kepi is a licensed acupuncturist in Hawaii and California, is a nationally certified (NCCAOM...
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Jenn is a licensed acupuncturist in Hawaii and California and an NCCAOM Diplomate of Oriental Medicine. In Spring 2023, she completed an additional two-year program of study in Classical Chinese herbal medicine with the White Pine Institute.
She is passionate about East Asian medicine and believes in health “projects,” rather than health problems. She is well versed in the mental health field and specializes in treating anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other imbalances of the nervous system.
Jenn graduated from Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine in Santa Monica, CA, and also holds a master’s degree in English. She relocated her practice from Los Angeles to Maui in 2024 and is grateful to have been so welcomed by the island community. When not in the clinic, you’ll probably find her swimming with the honus.
Jenn is a licensed acupuncturist in Hawaii and California and an NCCAOM Diplomate of Oriental Med...
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